About Us
Physician’s Rejuvenation Center was founded in 2007, and is located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Physician’s Rejuvenation Centers are dedicated to improving the quality of life of our patients. We have helped thousands of patients from around the country look their best and feel their best.
Our expert medical staff will be able make you feel better than you have in years. We address your total wellness needs – hormones, targeted supplements, diet and exercise.
Hormone Replacement Therapy, and complete Hormone Replacement Therapy for women and men.
Using a preventive medical approach designed to help end the symptoms associated with menopause, andropause and hormonal imbalance.
Our clinic is directed by expert medical staff and fitness professionals. Our Medical Director is board certified in anti-aging medicine, and the entire staff is dedicated to your optimum health, providing hormonal, anti-aging, and nutritional solutions. All patients receive a Patient Care Coordinator to assure an excellent experience. Together we can help improve your vigor and vitality in just a few months.
From Our CEO
Brian says, “Now it was time for me to give back! After being a client for some time I knew I wanted to help people like myself get their lives back. I knew I had the resources to make this happen and that’s just what I did.” “Everyday I take calls from clients all over the country who tell me how our clinic transformed their health, mind, body and spirit. I thank you for taking the time to get to know me and my team, which none of this would be possible without. There are not many things in this world I can guarantee but this I will – we can help you change your life!”
Call us today to learn more about how Hormone Replacement Therapy can benefit you or fill out the form to the right to be contacted by one of our Patient Care Coordinators.
Why Choose Us?
Our expert medical team will quickly make you feel better than you have in years. If you’re over 30 years old, and noticing things declining with every passing year, we can help you. Our team will work with you to restore the way you felt when you were younger – more energy, a stronger and leaner body and a healthy sex drive. We do this everyday, for thousands of patients across the country.
It’s all about experience. Our team specializes in anti-aging medicine but has expertise in other branches of medicine, diet and fitness. This enables us to address all of our patients wellness needs. Our clients are all given an individualized plan of care based upon their goals, symptoms, lab work, physical examination and medical history. Together the medical staff, the patient, and their Patient Care Coordinator work to deliver the best care possible. “It’s all about exceeding our customers expectations, making them look and feel better than they every thought possible,” Brian Tully, CEO. Love the way you feel!